Eddie photographed “Reggie” Vanderbilt at the National New York Horse show. Known to be the “playboy” of the Vanderbilt family, Reggie led the field,
many say with “inappropriate disregard” of gentlemanly conduct. TIME magazine did a story when he died in
1925 at the young age of 45 years that many members of the press would report the many “unhallowed pleasures” in which Reggie would partake. When he turned 21, he received $10 million from his father and many said that he spent the following 24 years trying to
spend it.
One of the leading horsemen in the U.S. he was President of the Association of American Horse Shows and the Hackney Horse Society. It was never reported that Reggie ever had any gainful employment of any kind. This excerpt from the TIME magazine article
seems to summarize the man: “Though still a relatively young man, the world in which he spent his money with such debonair magnificence and through which he raced in his roaring automobiles has largely vanished; even the scenes of his gayeties are being removed.
Delmonico’s, where he gave numerous dinners, recently closed its doors; Madison Square Garden, at
whose ringside his plump beetling face often brooded, has been pulled down.”
Editors note:
In the 1950’s comedian Jackie Gleason did several personality skits on The Jackie Gleason Show including one titled “Reginald Van Gleason III” in which he portrayed a turn-of-the-century foppish playboy.